Wednesday, 4 April 2012


Indian Pita
Goa is the smallest state in the seventh largest country in the world (in terms of area). If you think the limited area means that variety is also limited- you'd be wrong!

Goa is home to, and host to, several kinds of people, animals, birds, and other natural beauties like butterflies.

Falling in the tropical zone, Goa has several diverse habitats: the Western Ghats, forests, lakes, open fields, coastal areas- including beaches and  mangroves. Each area is special in its own way and has a necessary ecological function. Together, they combine to make Goa a unique birdwatching site.

From the shy Painted Snipe to the social Magpie Robin, the drab Red-wattled lapwing to the resplendent Peacock, the omnipresent Cattle Egret to the rarer Indian Pita, the local Black Eagle to the immigrant Woolly-Necked Stork- They're all birds that birdwatchers have seen. With me.

So grab your bins and head to Goa! The birds are calling!

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